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The military has a unique ability to irrevocably destroy careers and futures for young patriots, often in a totally extra-judicial setting.  Our society has decided it trusts our generals to make unilateral decisions regarding the freedoms and liberties of their subordinates for behavior that is never proven or illegal — in fact, behavior that is routinely tolerated in our civilian society.

General David Petraeus and General John Allen are hypocrites on a far deeper level than our civilian society will ever recognize.  You see, these two have spent the better half of their career dolling out Letters of Reprimand, derogatory performance reports, Article 15 punishments, and Courts-Martial action — all for far less behavior than they have displayed.

Adultery is a violation of the UCMJ in a remarkably antiquated context.  The Supreme Court has definitively ruled that the private sexual activity of two adults cannot be legislated.  However, in the military, the generals distinguish their laws from the laws of our civilian society with the excuse that it affects “good order and discipline” or is “service discrediting”.  In some situations, the disruption to the mission may be so great or morally repugnant that a Court-Martial is justified.

General Petraeus and General Allen are both subject to the UCMJ and deserve to stand Court-Martial for their actions.  Not because our society really cares to criminalize adultery, but because these men have spent the better part of thirty years hypocritically being the moral authority over their own troops.  They have each ruined thousands, yes thousands, of careers taking administrative or criminal action directly or through their subordinate commanders on issues of virtually no consequence to the mission and for no reason other than their own moral preference.

In the end, a Court-Martial likely cannot punish these two.  You see, military courts made precedent almost five years ago when one of the highest ranking Air Force lawyers was court-martialled for committing fraud and larceny throughout his entire career, amounting to hundreds of thousands of dollars.  But in the end, the court wouldn’t let him be punished.  Why? Because he held a position in the White House, and the TS/SCI and Yankee White Intel he gathered over the years were actually a get-out-of-jail-free card.  No kidding, he stole hundreds of thousands of dollars and wasn’t allowed to be punished.  The secrets these generals have will also keep them out of jail.

You need the Best Military Defense Lawyer

The point is this, the military is full of hypocritical leaders ready to get their jollies off demoting, ruining promotion ability, or court-martialling their troops because of their moral whims.  If, and when, you face the heavy hand of an unreasonable command you need the best to defend against it.  You need representation that will have the professional fortitude to expose your command for what they really are, that’s willing to go to the press or Congress. You need a lawyer that’s not afraid to speak the truth to a court-martial jury because they fear reprisal.  Call the best.